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DataGrail Summit '24

Where legal, security and privacy connect

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Hear from industry experts

KEYNOTE SPEAKER Frances Haugen Transparency & Accountability Advocate

A renowned advocate for transparency and accountability, Frances Haugen will kick off our discussion on the future of responsible innovation.

Masha Sedova headshot
Masha Sedova VP Human Risk Strategy, Mimecast
David Tsao headshot
David Tsao CISO, Instacart
Sam Sabin headshot
Sam Sabin Cybersecurity Reporter, Axios
Mirena Taskova headshot
Mirena Taskova Chief Privacy Officer, Aura
Eric Brinkman headshot
Eric Brinkman VP Product, DataGrail
Kirsten Daru headshot
Kirsten Daru Chief Legal & Privacy Officer, NETGEAR
Jason Clinton headshot
Jason Clinton CISO, Anthropic
Stacey Schesser headshot
Stacey Schesser Supervising Deputy AG, CA Dept. of Justice

And many more!

Network with the world’s most trusted brands

Dive into a realm of unparalleled networking opportunities as you connect with distinguished representatives from the industry’s elite. Rub shoulders with thought leaders, security gurus, and legal virtuosos who are shaping the data privacy landscape.

Responsible Innovation
2024 THEME

The future of responsible innovation

Plan today to innovate tomorrow

Everyone is scrambling to adopt generative AI to help innovate. Companies want to scale responsibly, but with increasing data sprawl, sensitive data being shared with Generative AI models, and with data privacy regulations in flux, it’s becoming tough for the modern executive to answer questions about their data privacy posture.

Discover the power of innovating responsibility by aligning with other security, legal and privacy executives to fuel innovation and build world-class privacy programs your customers will love.



Opening Keynote: Responsible & Respectful Innovation

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Frances Haugen, a renowned advocate for transparency and accountability, will kick off our discussion on the future of responsible innovation. Drawing from her experiences at Facebook, Haugen will provide a roadmap for organizations to embrace transparency, uphold accountability, and build trust in an era where responsible innovation is more crucial than ever.

Frances Haugen Transparency & Accountability Advocate
Featured Presentation

The Human Element: Minimizing the Human Risks of AI

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AI is revolutionizing businesses, but more often than we want to admit, teams make unintentional mistakes when using AI, not to mention that our common adversaries use it as a weapon to mislead even the savviest of people. Join Masha Sedova, Human Risk Strategist at Mimecast, for a thought-provoking session on why people might be the most significant AI risk. You’ll learn the best practices for employee education that can turn the human element into a powerful driver of success. She’ll also unpack new technologies that, paired with the proper training, can thwart AI attacks.

Masha Sedova VP Human Risk Strategy, Mimecast
Moderated Panel

Navigating the Latest AI and Privacy Regulations

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States and nations worldwide have enacted new AI and privacy laws demanding businesses’ attention over the past few years. Join Sam Sabin, Cybersecurity and Privacy Reporter at Axios, as she moderates a discussion with Mirena Taskova, CPO at Aura, Shannon Yavorsky, Partner, Cyber, Privacy & Data Innovation, Orrick, and Stacey Schesser, Deputy Attorney General at California Department of Justice, for an insightful discussion about the evolving regulatory landscape and its profound implications on business, AI use, and data privacy risk. Our panelists will unpack the nuances of emerging laws and the impact of federal vs. state-level policymaking and offer tips on navigating these complex regulatory times.

Sam Sabin Cybersecurity Reporter, Axios
Shannon Yavorsky Cyber, Privacy & Data Innovation, Orrick
Stacey Schesser Supervising Deputy AG, CA Dept. of Justice
Mirena Taskova Chief Privacy Officer, Aura
Moderated Panel

The Future of Consumer Choice

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Balancing modern marketing strategies with ever-evolving consumer data privacy expectations is no small feat. In an era where data privacy regulations are rapidly changing, the concept of consent finds itself at a crossroads. Tune into a conversation with Tarun Gangwani, Product Manager at DataGrail, and other privacy professionals as they navigate the complexities of modern consent, marketing and data privacy expectations.

Ryan O’Leary Data Privacy Analyst, IDC
Ty Sbano CISO, Vercel
Frances Phillips-Taft Lead Counsel, Global Data Privacy and AI , Legends
Tarun Gangwani Principal Product Manager, DataGrail
Featured Presentation

Building Cross-Functional Privacy & Risk Councils

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Data privacy is a business challenge, not a one-off issue to be tackled in isolation. Building a robust privacy program rooted in integrity requires cross-functional alignment and buy-in at the C-suite level. Kirsten Daru, CPO at Netgear, will share her programmatic approach to building Privacy and Risk Councils that drive meaningful change and elevate privacy initiatives.

Kirsten Daru Chief Legal & Privacy Officer, NETGEAR
Fireside Chat

Creating the Discipline to Stress Test AI— Now— for a More Secure Future

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Pushing through and finding the discipline to stress your AI policies, procedures, modeling, etc., now is critical to accelerating future innovation. If you don’t, and move too fast, the inverse could happen, and future progress can stall. Even more, privacy, compliance, and security just got more complicated with this new landscape. Join the CISOs from Anthropic, Jason Clinton, and David Tsao, Instacart, as they unpack how they’ve created the discipline now for faster innovation.

David Tsao CISO, Instacart
Jason Clinton CISO, Anthropic

Afternoon Roundtable Discussions

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Roundtable topics will include:

  • Building Cross-functional Councils
  • Data Privacy & Security Incident Response Plans
  • Data Privacy & Compliance, Where they Intersect
  • Convergence of Data Security and Data Privacy
  • Health Data, What Exactly Constitutes Health Data
  • Navigating the Sea of U.S. State Privacy Laws
Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay, California

Exclusively executive

Join DataGrail and other CXO and VP leaders from leading brands for a full day of thought leadership and networking at the Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay, California.

Why DataGrail Summit


Discover the power of aligning security, legal, and privacy to build customer trust.


Connect and ideate with industry leaders, experts, and peers to fuel innovation.

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Get Inspired. Discover the secret to building a world-class privacy program your customers will love.

Explore DataGrail Summit 2023

DataGrail Summit 2023 was more than just a meeting of minds; legal, security, and privacy leaders came together in dynamic dialogue. With industry trailblazers like Alex Stamos (Former Chief Security Officer, Facebook), Julie Bornstein (Former COO, Stitch Fix), Alyssa Harvey Dawson (Chief Legal Officer, HubSpot), and more sharing their perspectives, the Summit buzzed with a wide spectrum of insights and discussions.

DataGrail: The new standard for data privacy

DataGrail helps companies navigate today’s and tomorrow’s data privacy concerns by automating error-prone tasks, minimizing risk, and strengthening customer trust.

Leveraging the largest integration network in data privacy, DataGrail automates privacy workflows to protect your brand and earn customer trust.

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